Geez, I need to visit here more often. lol
Ok, originally his first version of this style was a copy of the old version of yaxay. The simple version. I said at that I didnt mind that one as it was very basic. Then however, I made all the new changes to yaxay with the funky category bars, and so on. Then I noticed he was offering a version 2 of this style. Which all he did was copy all the new things I added. At this point I was furious! I emailed him and he proceeded to tell me off saying I shouldnt have brought attention to him copying me cause now hes doing it just to make me mad.
He has no respect, and I have none for him. I requested him remove it and he didn't. He just now removed it because he see's posts like this.
I thank you guys for noticing. Its really annoying to be copied so blatantly. I have no problem with influencing people. But a direct copy is just sad. Especially to then offer it to download for free.
What really pisses me off is that he then proceeds to put down yaxays design saying anyone can do it, blah blah. But if its so lame and bad why did he need to copy it? Get a life and some originality.