Thanks. You are talking to a complete newbie to vBulletin though so I will try to see if I can get this figured out...but be prepared for stupid questions!!!
--------------- Added [DATE]1354253981[/DATE] at [TIME]1354253981[/TIME] ---------------
Alright. I tried it and it did not work. I went to Plugins & Products -> Add New Plugin
Product: vBulletin
Hook Location: postbit_display_complete
Execution order: 5 (default, did not change)
Code: as stated
Pluging Active: yes
Save and reload clicked
No change on forum.
i went into Setting -> Options -> Date and Time and toggled back and forth between 'normal' and 'detailed' and it just works as if the plugin is not there, so what was that plugin supposed to do or what am I missing?