Was hoping someone would kindly point me in the right direction - (I'm fairly new to VB4 although experienced with SMF) I followed the instructions as best as I can but when I click on the light bulb the screen doesn't darken. The code below is my additional.css as it looks now. I copied the files supplied in ./arcade/skins/ and copied the other files to the root as instructed. I feel this edit is where i went wrong, perhaps where i placed it in the css is the issue?
#lights { /* This is the container which holds the light switch */
position:relative; /* Set the position of the light switch to relative so it can be placed above the "dimming" layer */
z-index:500; /* Set the height on the Z axis to 500 which is above the "dimmed" layer */
object { /* The object tag is what the swf files are held in */
outline:none; /* Set the outline of swf objects to none so when you click on it you don't get a border around the swf */
#fade { /* This is the "dimmed" layer which fades in when the lights go off */
display: none; /* Set the display to none which hides the layer */
background: #000; /* Set the color to black */
position: fixed; left: 0; top: 0; /* Set the position to fixed so when the user scrolls it stays with them */
width: 100%; height: 100%; /* Set the width and height to 100% of the browser window */
opacity: .85; /* Set the layer's opacity to .90 which is 90% */
z-index:100; /* Set the height on the Z axis to 100 which is below the "light switch" layer */
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