Hey guys I got the ckeditor working.
In the plugin for SC called JS Optimiser, there is a line that allows you to put in things that shouldn't be touched.
I just added _edit, editor, and ckeditor. Here is my script:
function vbsc_jsleave($match){
return (/*stripos($match, "FeatureLoader.js.php") !== false ||*/ stripos($match, "google_ad") !== false || stripos($match, "show_ad") !== false || stripos($match, "_google") !== false || stripos($match, "recaptcha") !== false || stripos($match, "_edit") !== false || stripos($match, "ckeditor") !== false || stripos($match, "editor") !== false/* || strpos($match, "treeview.css") !== false || strpos($match, "initVbTreeMenus") !== false || strpos($match, "treeview-min.js") !== false || strpos($match, "SHOW_ALL_TREE_ELEMENTS_THRESHOLD") !== false*/);