Hello dear , i want to know if here anyway to get back to vbulletin 3.8 ? cause i like to 3.8 styles .
dont tell me that the 4.1 is better , i know but i really d'like to get back .
note : i alway be in 4.1.5 , so i never upgraded anything , if it is possible to get the 3.8 version , it will be cool !!!
cause i really d'like to get the 3.8 version because the styles is very beautiful and all functions ,
for exemple :
this forum :
and this :
i really like it , and i like the profile page looks and discussions and all
so please , if someone can explain me step by step how to get back to 3.8 , it will be very nice
if its impossible , then can someone tell me if i can find this skin (i can pay it)