Enthusify now contains a rating system for when members buy / sell / trade items from each other.
New features:
- Buyer / Seller feedback system! (see screen shot below)
- Improved clarity around required fields.
- Updated various transaction emails to make them more clear.
- 14 day reminder to a seller that a listing is live. Reminder directs seller to update the listing if it has sold elsewhere.
Bug fixes:
- FIXED: In list view of search results, images were not centering in big monitors.
- FIXED: Seller profile pages images were not scaling properly.
- FIXED: Marketplace link in Seller profile was not linking properly.
- FIXED: Threads are updating a seller's post count.
- FIXED: Buy Now button in threads was sometimes breaking.
Coming next:
- Improvements to the photo uploader to improve usability and to work properly on iOS (iPhone/iPad) and Android devices.
- Big project that will take some time - the ability to create threads in different sub forums depending on the sub category selected by the seller.
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