Originally Posted by RG_MONDO
I've installed your mod on my site, and it appears to be working as intended with one exception: On the user's profile page, if you click their Profile Picture (the one pulled from Steam) the link fails with the message of "This user has not registered and therefore does not have a profile to view." Upon checking the link I found it to be "http://domainname.com/member.php?MONDO" where Vbulletin without your mod places it as "http://domainname.com/member.php?2-MONDO" which is correct. Is there a simple way to sync these up? I'm using VBulletin v4.2 Patch Level 3 (most current) . Thanks for any help your can provide.
Weird, the mod uses vbulletin functions to get the url, in case you have seo engines running. I'll check it out, looks like a bug.
Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider
Another small bug report. Those who steam linked (secondary usergroup) while they have registered when email verification is required can still post without validating their email. See image:
He was able to make threads and to reply to posts, while the awaiting email usergroup doesn't allow that. And yea, steam settings email verification is set to yes.
I suspect that you derived the Steam Linked group from registered users? Then it should have posting rights, which means that the user gets the posting rights from the steam linked group instead from his primary group. I'm not sure what is the problem here, since the addon seems to do everything right. I'll come back to you and check the problem in the meantime.
However, since linked steam users are already validated to be "real users", I was of the impression that there's no need to limit their posting privileges, that's why I didn't test this in greater detail.
Another feature request. Show up the steam button (sign in / login) for specific usergroups. For both unregistered and registered users. For now, I've solved it with using this:
<vb:if condition="is_member_of($bbuserinfo, 6,7,2,5,1,11,15,14)"><li>{vb:raw steam_button}</li></vb:if>
Thanks for your suggestion but for now I think it's enough that admins can add this feature/behaviour with 2 lines of code by themselves if they really need it.