I never said they shouldn't be able to charge for hacks. I just stated my opinion about it being done on this site. I very much like the opensource idea myself, and I think it has been the general understanding, if you want, amongst most hackers and users of hacks that it was supposed to be like that.
And then you have the $$$'ers. Get them outta here, I say.
Like Nakkid, or what his nick is - I keep forgetting, who is making two versions of his hack. One light version for free, and one with more features for a charge. This is all well and good, but don't post the pay version here. Put a link in your readme file, on your site or whatever - but don't stuff it right in my face here.
It sucks seeing a thread about something that I think sounds interesting, just to find out three posts down that it costs money. If I had to pay for my bandwith, that would inadvertently cost ME money too...
Oh, and why don't use the quick reply box when you post. It'll save you some money
Bah, enough ranting, you get my point... Back to work...