Originally posted by Sparkz
For all I care, you could charge a million bucks for it... You just shouldn't post it here.
This should be the place for sharing hacks and knowledge with eachother, not making money.
Well, as i see it, for an upcoming hack ill be releasing(which ive been saying for 6 months

) - there are quite a few people who would wish to have such a hack.
I dont feel that these forums should be 100% opensource/free. For the work these people do to create hacks, they deserve more than a 'thats awsome, thanks!' - like the karma hack by overgrown(it even found its way into vB3).
I fail to see any real reason why hacks that cost money should be banned? Is it because it gets yours hopes up and your not willing to spend the money?
This community wasnt specifically designed to hold only opensource/free hacks...