Originally Posted by setishock
Instead of spending tax money on such nonsense why don't we:
Feed our hungry
Clothe our naked
Educate our illiterate
House our homeless
Provide for our veterans and elderly better than we are now.
Revamp our education system
Money more wisely spent on the builders, protectors, and the future generations of this country would be a lot better investment...
All for feeding the hungry- We spend a lot of money on feeding the hungry- there are very few people who WANT to eat who are truly hungry in this country- thankfully. Yes more can always be done but it's not a matter of money at this point- we need to manage food better. I went to NYC public schools- every day schools serve hundreds of thousands of free lunches. Every day many tens of thousands of free (tax payer paid lunches) get thrown around the lunchroom and/or thrown directly into the trash. Every day super-markets throw out food that would be perfectly acceptable to eat but for one regulation or another must be trashed.
Clothe the naked- Have yet to seen any naked people running around.
Educate the illiterate- You can't force people to learn- anyone who is illiterate in this country is so by choice.
House our homeless - I agree but like with food we already spend a lot of money to do this- People who I know over the years who were homeless were drug abuses and mentally ill. The single mother who couldn't pay her rent usually winds up in a shelter. I'm sure it could be better, of course, but in general we do not have a homeless problem in the USA, we have a mental health and addiction problem.
Provide for our veterans and elderly better - Do you think throwing a few million more dollars a year at the current system will change anything?
Revamp our education system- If we could do this we could probably spend half as much as we do on education and get twice the results. Money isn't the problem.