Perhaps you should read my thread in the feedback forum as you are guilty of some the things I brought up. If someone wants to create a hack that 'already exists', you have no place to tell them not to do it. Just because you, or someone, has made a hack, doesn't mean that someone else can't do a better job at it.
"not complaining" - yes you are complaining or you wouldn't have created this thread. Point me out some posts, exact url, where someone is being rude to you please. I see some of the hackers being much more rude than the users on this forum. "Don't even message me unless you are a top hacker". "Don't ask to install my hack unless you have made a name" . What is this crap?
Some of you think your stuff is hot when it isn't much to talk about at all. I should make a multiple attachment hack the right way just so you will stop whining.