Originally Posted by SpikedRocker
Or that each usergroup has its own unique clan tag. The website I run has like 3 or 4 different tags that could be used in this fashion, but they are slightly different from each other.
Sorry for not explaining it better myself, was up pretty late last night.
that fine i was up late too.
well this is for user to have a Clan tag in front on there name and they choose what there clan tag is it only take the usergroup html markup and colors the clan tag to what usergroup they are in you can make usergroup tags by edit the usergroup html markup go to admin cp > Usergroups > Usergropu Manager > select the usergroup you want > Username HTML Markup put this in the first column
<span style='color: (COLOR YOU WANT HERE);'>(YOUR TAG HERE)
2nd column
(OR YOU TAG HERE)</span>