I finally got around to actually trying this little code and it didn't work! I created a new folder in /images/userimages and uploaded the appropriate files there. I then made the changes to functions.php and there was no change on the site. Have you actually confirmed this works?
To explain again, I want user titles under my administrators, senior moderator (super moderator), and moderators - no one else, not regular users. By your method, will it try to create an image for all usergroups or only ones with images uploaded?
Also, am I right that the number of the image (i.e. 5.gif) corresponds to the usergroup ID? How can I find the usergroup ID? I would assume I could hover over the URL in the Admin CP page that lists the groups.
Here is the code I used in function.php:
$post['userimage'] = '<img src="'.$post['usergroupid'].'.gif" border="0">';
Note: I didn't get a chance to try your updated code posted on 04/05, will that do it? Also, I tried to reply earlier via e-mail and it didn't work!
Any help is appreciated!