Originally Posted by k6rikko
Hi @all i have a layout / style question about the main arcade screen.
I like to make the layout a lil more easier with less content on it.
I dont found the right template for this
What i like to do:
How (where) can i remove newest games block, search block, most played games and random games block ?
i like to see over the "Information about Tournaments in the Arcade" table only highscore champions,king,leader of leaderbord etc in 100% wide.
many thanks and hope someone can help me in this and tell me which tmplate i have to edit 
This arcade doesn't use vBulletin's template system like other modifications do, you would need to edit the skin_arcade.php and/or skin_v3arcade.php files and most likely the arcade.php file too
stangger5 or hippy will probably be able to point you to the correct areas - it has been a while since I run a site using this arcade.