Originally posted by FireFly
Yeah, you must click inside the text and not just anywhere in the table (because the <pre> ends before the table).
Maybe with some more Javscript you can make the whole table double-clickable?
you cant.. unfortunatelly. the code is looking only for a segment of code related to whatever variable you select (in our case [high]<pre[/high]), to paste it. if you select ather area, it will paste everything, including the html code. i would make more clear the message:
[high](double-click the code segment to copy to clipboard)[/high] or something like that...
if you dont click on the actual code, it will not work. talking abot this, how can we remove the space? if you click on the first line (even is it's outside the text), in your example, it works. in the empty space below, it doesnt. VB adds some extra space there... only in CODE and PHP. maybe you can tell us here firefly how to remove this pesky space in both CODE and PHP.. it is not very estethic..