Originally Posted by Blackglade
The plugin you gave was awesome and i uploaded it to vbulletin having it appear in profile pic's however how do i make it so it appears under the users name when he posts a new thread or reply?
There is a solution I posted a while ago *somewhere* in this thread, I suggest you take a look through the thread, otherwise I'll come back to you later.
Originally Posted by SpikedRocker
I am having this issue as well, what was done to fix?
Do you use a windows machine? I think it appears on some server os which do some silly stuff. However I found a way around this problem and completed my work on the next 1.4.3 version which I will run a few days on my productive system before releasing it official.
The changes are: (not final)
- Fixed quotes in Steam usernames messing up the register template
- Fixed browser error when redirecting from steam login back to the forum url (primarily) on Windows machines
(directed to https:// instead of http://, now replaced with an option in the STC settings)
- Fixed group maintenance function not using cache for group data when the maintenance operation is split up in multiple steps
- Fixed potential security flaw in useradministration if using custom query fields
- Added Cron job to update user <-> steam group assocations every night (basically does what the mainenance script does, now once every night)
- Added option to disallow unlinking of steamaccount. In this case, unlinking is only possible through admincp
- Added ability to unlink account completely with a checkbox as the last field, updating usergroups as well.
(before, if you set the steamid to empty string, it only removed the steam assocation, but didn't change the usergroups)
- Added memcached as optional cache system
- Reworked file cache system
- Updated steamconnect cache dir option, now a writable cache directory is required.
- Updated some option description strings to better describe which values to use.
- General code optimization
If you really cant wait or want this problem to fixed immediately, send me a mail and I give you the next version earlier.