Originally Posted by CoffeeLovesYou
You realize, even if it is a secret BBCode you don't tell anyone.. if anyone quotes the Admin Notice, it will show them the BBCode and bam.. there it goes. Unless you close the thread after, it could remain a secret code.
I think you are a bit wrong here! We are talking about the "BUTTON" and not the NOTICE!.. The button can be hold secret, Just remember the TAGS [Notice] and [/Notice]! If you dont put a "BUTTON IMAGE" then nobody will know how the tags is USED.. Rxcept you! Just make sure to remember the Tags
[NOTICE] Message [/NOTICE]
Just in case you want the NOTICE to be visible to certaing groups:
If you only want the Notice to be visible for certain groups then put the following 2 lines in the "Replacement
Add this line at the VERY TOP:
<vb:if condition="is_member_of($bbuserinfo, 1,2,3)">
And add this at the very bottom:
Now this will protect the CODE and ADMIN NOTICE to be showen only to the USEGROUPS typed in
RED color.. The numbers
1,2,3 in red is the USERGROUP ID, which means only the USERGROUPs typed will see the "Admin Notice"!
No matter who uses it, it will still be visible for the usegroups
1,2,3! But if you want to keep the BUTTON as a secret, I def suggest that you do NOT put a BUTTON IMAGE!
If any question feel free to ask, or simply PM me! Good luck!