Originally Posted by aouni_tahech
Hi, I'm on an Arabic forum.
I chose to enable the collapsed menu in the postbit for my forum users. The issue is that the info is showing up, with the titles of each button as specified in the admin panel.
However I can't change the words (given) and (received) to whatever they translate in my language.
So, is there a way to translate them in order to match the button texts?
dbtech_thanks_given and dbtech_thanks_received are the phrase variable names.
Originally Posted by majjed2008
yes guys it was work fine with vb 4.2 .
sorry but again i have this problem and I get tired trying to fix it but it is not work I just add vbseo cnd products this time and now anthill if i disable it still not work I also note i have chart box ajax and also it is not work , so please kindly any one can help me ?
if anyone can help I can pay him for the service .
thank you
I didn't understand any of that, sorry. Can you clarify, please?