Ok, so like a fool, I attempted to uninstall the CMS via Plugin Manager. It then gave me this error while attempting to uninstall it:
Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0:
Invalid SQL:
DELETE cms_widgettype, cms_widget, cms_widgetconfig
FROM package AS package
LEFT JOIN cms_widgettype AS cms_widgettype
ON cms_widgettype.packageid = package.packageid
LEFT JOIN cms_widget AS cms_widget
ON cms_widget.widgettypeid = cms_widgettype.widgettypeid
LEFT JOIN cms_widgetconfig AS cms_widgetconfig
ON cms_widgetconfig.widgetid = cms_widget.widgetid
WHERE package.productid = 'vbcms';
MySQL Error : Table 'xxxx.cms_widgettype' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Sunday, October 28th 2012 @ 01:04:08 AM
Error Date : Sunday, October 28th 2012 @ 01:04:08 AM
Script : http://domain.com/admincp/plugin.php?do=productkill
Referrer : http://domain.com/admincp/plugin.php?do=productdelete&productid=vbcms&s=
IP Address : xxxx
Username : xxxx
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.5.23-55
Now whenever I try to uninstall any other plugins, I get that same database error and the plguin fails to uninstall. I tried running the upgrade script, but get another database error on step 31:
Action Required
Unexpected Text:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>
<error><![CDATA[<p>Database Error</p>
Invalid SQL:
FROM cms_node
WHERE nodeid <> 1;
Table 'xxxx.cms_node' doesn't exist]]></error>
<error_html><![CDATA[<p>Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0</p>
<p>Invalid SQL:
FROM cms_node
WHERE nodeid <> 1;<p>
<strong>MySQL Error</strong> : Table 'xxxx.cms_node' doesn't exist<br />
<strong>Error Number</strong> : 1146<br />
<strong>Request Date</strong> : Sunday, October 28th 2012 @ 01:06:28 AM<br />
<strong>Error Date</strong> : Sunday, October 28th 2012 @ 01:06:29 AM<br />
<strong>Script</strong> : http://domain.com/install/upgrade.php<br />
<strong>Referrer</strong> : http://domain.com/install/upgrade.php<br />
<strong>Classname</strong> : vB_Database<br />
<strong>MySQL Version</strong> : 5.5.23-55<br />
So apparently when I attempted the CMS uninstall, it removed the database tables, but didn't complete the process? After some searching (which I should have done to begin with) I now realize that I should have just disabled the CMS, not uninstalled.
My question now is: How do I rectify this while still keeping my forum intact? As it is now, I can't uninstall any plugins...it just gives me the 1st database error I posted. Like I said, I tried the upgrade script, but that gives me an error, I tried manually adding the tables, still get errors, I tried reinstalling CMS using the XML file via Plugin Manager...another error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!