So, it was working just fine.
Now, for some reason, it has stopped working.
When you go to create a new thread, and check that it is a "vbookie" event,
then save the thread, it merely saves the post/thread.
It does not prompt you for the betting info, nor does it give the thread a "$" icon.
Nothing has been changed since it was working yesterday.
It is still enabled, and all forum permissions are still correct.
Any ideas on what could be causing this, and/or how I can fix it ?
Thanks (again) from whomever can help.
Edit/Update: 20121030
So after much searching, I figured out that the hook for 3.6 must be the problem
(see here)
So I made that hook change, and it seems to work now.
But... now I have to figure out why it worked before, but then it didn't.
Maybe someone changed that hook back (reverted).