I like the theme. Good look, the tilt to the PNG logo is a nice touch that makes it more visually interesting without bringing clutter. Marked as installed while I play with it and will shortly offer out to members.
A couple of bugs I noted, which I was able to fix in short order but I can give you as a documentation of what I've found so far:
- The vb CMS background is set to #FFFFFF instead of the transparent grey that was being aimed for in the rest of the style. Easy enough to copypasta
- The widget header background image was set to Repeat instead of Repeat-X
- The widget title text is dang hard to read in the color it is set to. I set it to White to increase readability.
- Quote boxes are incredibly hard to read due to backgrounds being white with the light grey text. I have been trying to work on this, but can't find a solution I am entirely happy with.
- When a category is showing on the main forum directory, the background is transparent instead of having the same characteristics as forums. Working on this now.
- Not sure if its a bug or my own forum, but when looking at the thread list, randomly one of the threads will have a transparent background, when the others do not. Example:

This is with all mods disabled.