Hi el3m3nt,
I think I may a found a very minor bug, that causes a script error, at least with Internetr Explorer 6, the page still displays correctly, but depending on peoples options many anoying error messages pop up, and I like to get rid of these errors
On line 371 and 373 or there abouts in the php file (mine differs as I've hacked it

The following lines:
PHP Code:
$pollbits .= "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{secondaltcolor}\" width=\"5%\" onMouseOver=\"this.style.backgroundColor='{firstaltcolor}'; this.style.cursor='hand';\" onMouseOut=\"this.style.backgroundColor='{secondaltcolor}';\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"optionnumber[$option[number]]\" value=\"yes\"></td><td bgcolor=\"{secondaltcolor}\" colspan=\"3\"><smallfont>$option[question]</smallfont></td></tr>";
PHP Code:
$pollbits .= "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{secondaltcolor}\" width=\"5%\" onMouseOver=\"this.style.backgroundColor='{firstaltcolor}'; this.style.cursor='hand';\" onMouseOut=\"this.style.backgroundColor='{secondaltcolor}';\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"optionnumber\" value=\"$option[number]\"></td><td bgcolor=\"{secondaltcolor}\" colspan=\"3\"><smallfont>$option[question]</smallfont></td></tr>";
It doesn't seem to like the mouse roll over effects for the poll options that appear in the poll table (the onMouseOut & onMouseOver).
I removed these to lines and IE6 didn't report any script errors.
This may just be with mine! But I thought I'd let you know, other than that this hack works perfectly!