Definitely have a vbhacks folder to keep the hacks tidy.
In vbhackmaker, how about having a selection list of current xxxx.hack.php files like you do in vbhacker's 'choose a hack you wish to install' to select from (for editing) ?
'Proceed With Creating Hack'... I have no 'file edits' for example, only template edits. It seems to insist on me saying that there is at least one file edit before I can go any further.
The first 'template edit' gets '\'characters (escape) added which make vbhacker unable to find the string in the original. It also adds them again, making them worse each time the file is edited and run through vbhackmaker
<a href=\\\"calendar.php?s=$session[sessionhash]\\\"><img src=\\\"\\\" alt=\\\"Calendar\\\" border=\\\"0\\\"></a>
Also, I'm trying to replace the following from the header template but it says it can't ever find it. It IS there though. Is it parsing 'newline' and other similar characters correctly? I've re-typed the whole text in vbhackmaker, cut and pasted it as well from the original header, but no luck.
<!-- logo and buttons -->
<table border="0" width="\{tablewidth\}" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
Apart from these problems it's great. The ones I do have working run smooth as silk
I have no other hacks installed. I'm running on a clean install of 2.2.5 (tried it on a clean 2.2.2 as well though) and wanted to get vbhacker running before I start to use it live.
Any ideas as to why I'm having these specific problems?