Lots of views but anyone know if there is a way to full the header footer around a custom page?
I can grab the header template using the $templater but in vb3 and vb4 $header $footer where universally defined as the full vb header footer with all variables defined etc
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This use to be easy in vb3 and vb4 so you could write your own scripts and use the vb header footer.
$header $footer use to always resolve to the header footer of vb and then you just processed replacements.
This is ultra simplified but worked with vb3 and vb4
require "global.php";
$header = process_replacement_vars($header);
$footer = process_replacement_vars($footer);
$content = "blah blah";
print "$header<br />$content<br />$footer";
As I said simple but grabbing the vb header footer and processing replacements was easy including the global.php etc.
I have been looking at vb5 and see no way to do that