Bringing this back up because it has come back on my list.
I understand quite well that this is after they login, but for some reason it is default to "No" for everyone on signing up. Where do I set it to default to "Yes" and let them change it to "No" if they want?
I can't find it anywhere. I've even found where it is set in the MySQL database "mgc_cb_evo_show";i0;s18:" is "No" and "Yes" is "mgc_cb_evo_show";i1;s18:"
But I don't know what query to run to get everyone to i1 instead of i0. The string of text for this area is this:
and my MySQL skills are not up to par to write a query to exit that one portion. I have even found the code where this is set:
$userdata->set('mgc_cb_evo_params', $serialize_cb_params);
Inside profile_updateoptions.php. But no idea what to do with it:
'mgc_cb_evo_show' => $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('p', 'mgc_cb_evo_show', TYPE_UINT),
So what I am asking is how do I make this:
Default to "Yes" for everyone instead of defaulting to "No". I have been pulling my hair out on this for way too long. I need help bad.
To expand upon this I have found another issue:
I want a certain usergroup to be able to see the chatbox, but not type inside of it, so I have the following permissions set in this usergroup's permissions:
Can view the chatbox
Can use the chatbox
But nothing shows up for them. If I go to the User CP and click edit options, they do not have the option to display it.
I then go and change "Can use the chatbox" to "Yes" and go back to the forum home as them, and the chatbox is still not there. I go to their User CP and the options show up. I change this to show the chatbox (since it is set to no by default). I then go to the main forum page and it shows up, and they can type. I then go back to the Admin CP, turn "Can use the chatbox" to "No", go back to the forum as them, and they can still see it but they can't post in it (which is what I want). If I go to the User CP the options are gone now as well.
I've tried re-uploading all files from a fresh download and re-importing the product file, and it doesn't seem to change anything. It hasn't always been this way. It happened somewhere along with an upgrade. It was previously on by default and displaying.