Originally Posted by Max Taxable
You give me a massive bunch of text to read through without citing a specific part of it. Therefore the "specifics" part is on you, since you originally claimed it.
But of course, you're not thinking. Let me help.
When you create a account on a forum, you do not own the account. The site does. They can ban you, moderate you, erase you. Anything they want. Because it is theirs.
When you use that account to post on the site, the post is the site's property as a matter of physical fact. They can edit it, moderate it, delete it. Anything they want. Because it is theirs. AND, it is recognized as the site's property under the DCMA as posted earlier in the thread:
Your account and posts are NOT yours, they belong to the site you post them on for them to do with as they wish and also for them to protect as they wish.
Content isn't copyrighted just because you have a website. I think you're misinterpreting the DMCA. You have to hold a legal copyright of the material. How many websites actually file legal copyright of their material? How many originate 100% of their material? One can only copyright material one originated. You can't copyright the written, recorded or graphic work of someone just because they post it on your website.