Originally Posted by steeler7
Find the Template for : "limited_guest_viewing"
and find : <div class="thread_controls lgvcontrol">
and I replaced it with :
<div class="navbar_notice_1">
Whatever the color is for the background of your Notices will appear
Thank you for helping me. However, after changing template, nothing changes for take over message on my site. Here is the code:
<!-- LGV :: Register Take-Over Message -->
<div class="navbar_notice_1">
<div style="padding:5px;">
{vb:rawphrase lgvmess,{vb:raw vboptions.bbtitle},{vb:raw vboptions.bburl}}
<br />
<!-- / LGV :: Register Take-Over Message -->
I have searched for navbar_notice_1 class on my site but couldn't see it.