First of all, I want to say great mod. I've installed it and using it on one of the communities I help manage.
I do need a little assistance, though. And of course, it'll be something a little crazy or else where is the fun in trying to do it.
The community I am using this for currently is on a game dev site. We are working with Steam to have the game downloadable through there. For a testing phase, we will want to distribute keys to the game for specific users so they can access the game.
Instead of doing the ol' "
email them something" routine (people tend to lose these or not get them and we get to play email tag), we would rather put the key in their profile. Since we are only giving them to people who use Steam, we're requiring them to connect their account (via this mod, w00t).
Due to this, I figured I could just add a new field to the "
do=steamlink" that displayed this (or the default "Unassigned" if they don't have one yet).
For this I am just using a custom Profile Field (#5) - Single-Line Text Box & Field Editable by User = No. We'll just inject the key into those profiles but we don't want a user accidentally messing up their key when trying to copy/paste it.
I thought I had everything working and this is what I used in the
modifyoptions_steam template just under the "Profile visibility state:" part:
<label for="stc_testkey">Steam Test Key:</label>
<strong id="stc_testkey">{vb:raw post.field5}</strong>
The label is showing up but the field is coming up blank. I figured you must be already calling vbbuser since you're grabbing the username but I could be wrong. Or am I not labeling the vb:raw correctly? Any help would be appreciated!
Feature Request: Something I think other devs and communities would enjoy is having something like this baked into the mod itself. Just a custom field(s) where they can assign data in it that the end-user can see but not manipulate. Would be good for Keys and other kind of data.