Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
You appear to be misinformed on some of your statements.
3. The URLs will never have /core/ in them and all your old URLs will redirect correctly to the new URLs if you install vBulletin 5 in the same directory VB4 was installed in.
5. The upgrade from VB 3 to 3.5 added a hooks system so yes it was a new way of coding mods but the template syntax was the same. The upgrade from 3.x to 4.x had new template syntax but the back end (hooks) code was exactly the same as VB 3.x. In fact the majority of my mods work fine on 3.x or 4.x. The upgrade from 4.x to 5.x has removed the hooks system in favor of file extensions, so yes it is another big change, but the template syntax from 4.x works in 5.x, so that is something. There hasn't really be a release where everything changes.
1 & 2 - Remains to be seen when it is out of Beta
4 - This is true, but honestly expected- going to a new major version will always bring new bugs.
Thanks for your detailed answer, hopefully i will give a try to vbulletin 5 when vbulletin 5 connect stable version will release. Just one more question please, i am thinking to purchase a vbulltetin 5 connect and will integrate it with my custom build php site, can i integrate vbulletin 5 seamlessly with site design? i am worried about vbulletin 5 header with site builder, that will create lot of problems for me when customizing it.