Originally Posted by sticky
So would you suggest a solution?
Examine alternative image resizer solutions that are written to support AJAX-loaded images, or commission one to be created
Originally Posted by sticky
So how do I increase this cutoff limit?
As I said, the Content Type settings for this mod.
AdminCP -> DBTech - Live Feed -> Manage Content Types -> Edit.
Originally Posted by sticky
Shouldn't you know which stylevar? Or if it even is a stylevar?
Unfortunately it's not feasible for me to be familiar with every possible style out there
If your skin has customised the
sidebar_content_link_color /
sidebar_content_link_hover_color stylevar and yet it still doesn't work, then there is something else up with your skin and I am as in the dark as you are. I have not only no idea who developed your skin, what it's called, what customisations it applied...
Originally Posted by sticky
You can't assist on how to change the font?
For the simple reason that if we were open to providing customisations of our products, that's literally all we'd be doing.
All we can really do is point people in the direction of where to go, and adequately explain why we can't assist with the customisations. I understand that I've failed at both of those tasks, and for that I apologise.
The templates to edit are
dbtech_livewall_block_entry and
dbtech_livewall_block_entries to boost the font sizes used in this mod.
Originally Posted by sticky
So I need to buy a mod that is not working as I expect to begin with to get support?
Not at all. Under no circumstances does posting Lite support requests in our Lite support forums require any form of purchase, furthermore support is not included in the Pro licence fee - the licence fee is exclusively a measure of the time it took to create the modification.
While I obviously can't speak for the future, I very strongly doubt you will ever see anyone from DBTech asking you to pay for support - unless the tradition of paying for the development time of software goes away globally at any rate, which it shows no signs of doing
Originally Posted by sticky
I'd like to see how your support is first before I invest any money. Hence the point of lite products right?
An argument could be made for that, certainly. Personally, I put out Lite products to give people an idea of the product itself, not my support.
I suppose everyone has their individual reasons for using a Lite product first while testing for the Pro version.
Originally Posted by sticky
I want all the BB code to parse so it doesn't look bad like it does.
That's impossible to ensure unless you display the full post on your wall.
If a person posts a post that is 300 characters long, the first 3 characters is [B] and the last 4 are [/B], then it will display correctly for a cutoff limit of 300.
However, if they post a post that is 350 characters long, with the same configuration, the first [B] will still remain unparsed.
The only thing I might be able to do is clean up unparsed BBCode tags, but would that not simply shift the issue onto "the post is not formatted correctly"?
Originally Posted by sticky
Calling me rude when I'm considering buying SEVERAL of your products is bad for business as you may have just cost yourself several sales, at least several from me alone. This is a sure-fire way to annoy a potential customer.
If you chose to take offence from it then I do apologise, it was not intended as a personal attack. It was merely a notification that because you are posting on vBulletin.org and not DragonByte-Tech.com, where our ability to quickly provide support is severely diminished, you should not complain about having to wait 24 hours for support.
If you could see it from my PoV, you'd see that it's quite annoying to
me when that happens. I chose to notify you that your behaviour was considered rude to me rather than directly insult you or ignore you - I'm sure there have been times where you've wanted to lash out at someone for making your blood boil too but have managed to restrain yourself
To give you a better idea of why we prefer people posting on DBTech, look at our forum home page:
I do believe we have it set up so guests can see the Top X Stats blocks.
I use those, plus our Forum Tabs with AJAX reloading that I've configured to only show my mod forums (for when I've been away or read threads have been bumped off the Top X Stats), plus our vBShout (which I don't believe guests can see) to ensure that I'm always up to date on threads that have already been posted and have simply been replied to.
I normally check those forums once every couple hours, more often than not several times every hour.
In addition to all of that, I receive instant email notifications whenever someone posts a thread, which has the thread title as well as the issue type.
As an example, I might receive an email saying "sticky has posted a new Bug: Installed vBShout, my forum is now down with errors
In forum: vBShout Lite Support"
I'll go "crap, this sounds serious. I better click it right away!" and the thread will usually be answered instantly - so long as I'm at the computer and working.
Not only that, but if someone posts a Feature Request, not only is it logged in our system until the end of time so it never gets lost in the pages, but I know I don't have to answer that OMGNOW like I would my previous example.
Compare that to vBulletin.org, which requires me to answer "less serious" posts before I even receive a notification that says you have replied to the vBShout vB4 thread saying your site is now down with errors.
Hopefully this gives you a better idea of why we prefer people posting on our own forums rather than vBulletin.org