Looks like this isn't broken code so much as forgotten code - the case is there to do something if there's a score entered, but the "do something" part is just "print an empty table cell". So to fix this, you can replace line 77 in schedule.php (should be 77 - you're looking for the line after "//if score is entered, show result").
It was:
echo ' <td></td>' . "\n";
Replace it with:
echo ' <td>'.$visitorTeam->teamName.' '.$result['visitorScore'].', '.$homeTeam->teamName.' '.$result['homeScore'].'</td>' . "\n";
Here is how it should look in the first screenshot:
You could make the winners appear "bold" if you add this instead of the code above to the same location:
if ((int)$result['homeScore'] > (int)$result['visitorScore']) { echo ' <td>'.$visitorTeam->teamName.' '.$result['visitorScore'].' ←<b>'.$homeTeam->teamName.' '.$result['homeScore'].'</b></td>' . "\n"; } if ((int)$result['visitorScore'] > (int)$result['homeScore']) { echo ' <td><b>'.$visitorTeam->teamName.' '.$result['visitorScore'].'</b> → '.$homeTeam->teamName.' '.$result['homeScore'].'</td>' . "\n";}
And the second screenshot shows you the result.
I hope that helps you!