bbuserinfo.pmunread and bbuserinfo.pmtotal display but permissions.pmquota doesn't?
I am trying to add some PM information to the header in our forum. I started out trying the vbadvanced welcome module line of:
{vb:rawphrase x_new_have_y_of_z_allowed, {vb:raw bbuserinfo.pmunread}, {vb:raw bbuserinfo.pmtotal}, {vb:raw permissions.pmquota}}
Which works fine in the module on the cms. But when added to the header template the number for {vb:raw permissions.pmquota} does not show at all. I checked the code for the pm list template and it also uses {vb:raw permissions.pmquota}.
I am not terribly experienced with vBulletin but why is it {vb:raw permissions.pmquota} does not show. Is there some dependency needed in the template?