Originally Posted by infnity8x3
Any way to add urls for this mod to ignore? for example facebook comes back as
So would like to just ignore facebook and other urls that i find to be incompatible
I haven't tested this but you can try-
In the plugin for this mod find the line:
return "[url=\"" . $text[2] . $text[4] . "\"]" . preg_replace("/\&.+\;/", '', $title[1]) . "[/url]";
And replace it with the following:
PHP Code:
$fullurl = $text[2].$text[4];
$baddomains = array ('facebook.com',
'microsoft.com' );
foreach ($baddomains AS $thisbad)
if (stripos('x'.$fullurl, $thisbad) //If the bad domain is found in the URL
return "[url=\"" . $fullurl . "\"]" .$fullurl . "[/url]";
//If we get this far it's not a bad domain...
return "[url=\"" . $fullurl . "\"]" . preg_replace("/\&.+\;/", '', $title[1]) . "[/url]";
And obviously you add or remove domain names by making sure they are between single quotes with a comma between each, like facebook.com, wikipedia.com, and microsoft.com in the example. No idea if those are really bad domains or not. I've had trouble with Wikipedia in the past.