Originally Posted by simonhind
i have done
clear full browser cache & ctrl+f5
i still get the horizontal bit
and here is link for example of post
I see.
As I said in the mod description, I used only in css to do the changes.
I've checked your site and the css of this mod not there, means you removed the mod successfully.
I believe your current problem related to something else, did you edit your postbit or installed other mod that make there changes?
I see in the source code this part
HTML Code:
<div class="etiket_postbit_alanI_durumu_cevrimdIsI ">
<li class="online-status offline" title="snowderblazer is offline"><span></span></li>
There is closer for </ul>, but not an open tag.
In addition, there is open for <div>, but not a closer.
It may be the reason for your problem.