Originally Posted by ejbreeze
Those images were sent to you. Thanks.
Sorry it's taken me a bit on this. The 1.4MB image you gave me has a very large resolution. it has a resolution of 3264px X 1952px. The total memory that would be taken to process that image is 25MB, and with vB having a 10MB overhead, that breaks your 32MB limit. btw, the default PHP5 limit is set to 128MB, so your host throttled that down a lot.
Also, the larger image, it sounds like you have the default 2MB for the max upload/post size, which is tiny by today's standards.
If you can get your host to increase those limits it'll take care of both of these problems. I'm trying to code in some error checking to take care of the first problem for my next bugfix release but the second problem is kind of out of my hands.
You can see what your set limits are by going to your ACP -> Gallery -> Gallery System page.