Originally Posted by djbaxter
I've never tried to use that feature.
I had problems getting cron-based sending to work correctly and eventually juist disabled it. On my server, everything functions well with it turned off and erratically with it turned on.
Yeah, that feature appears to be buggy. Shame, thought would be handy for an archive of the sent messages.
Hmm, seems it was cron-based sending to blame. Turned it off and it posted fine. Though the post it actually posted is like info from July and not the most current info, eg it doesn't display the most recent thread/posts but the ones from way back in July when it stopped working, lol. Though it also appears to have sent a load of other messages too. Again, all from July. So perhaps the vbulletin cron post sending was messed up. Am going to check the vb bugs list an forums to see if theres any info on a fix for that. As the cron based sending system woulda been handy.