Originally Posted by Calystos
Thanks, will check those above suggestions and see if that helps. If not will drop down to that 4.5f version.
Our commbull settings are pretty much default, but I have noticed one bug in the 5.1 version that if you try to enable it to post a copy of the newsletter to a forum it comes up with a mysql error of invalid sql but no actual info as if the sql query is blank or something.
I've never tried to use that feature.
Originally Posted by Calystos
Here are the above listed settings that we (currently) have set and have been set for as long as I can recall and used to work with pre-4.2 vbulletin.
Use Mailqueue System = Yes, with locking
Use Cron Based Sending = Yes
Number of Emails to Send Per Batch = 100
E-Mail Send Delay = None
Encode as UTF-8 = Yes
SMTP Email = No
I had problems getting cron-based sending to work correctly and eventually juist disabled it. On my server, everything functions well with it turned off and erratically with it turned on.