Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech
Check the permissions on the child folders, the 1/1/5/full and 1/1/5/thumb ones.
Also, what version are you running? The postbit here says 1.1.3?
I removed Gallery and reinstalled it. Here is what I noticed has happened. The child folder 1/1 isn't created until I actually try to upload a image. The upload fails until I change the permissions on 1/1/ 1/1/full 1/1/thumbnails 1/1/wm all to 0777. At this point the uploads succeed.
Then I log out and sign in as a different user. I try to upload a image and it fails once again due to permissions. I check the folder structure and see 1/1/5 1/1/5/full 1/1/5/thumbnails and 1/1/5/wm have now been created. I changed the permissions on all to 0777 and now that user can upload.
I am using vb 4.2.0 patch 2 with your gallery 1.2.4 Why must I change permissions each time a new user uploads to Gallery? By default Gallery is setting the permissions of newly created folders to 0043. I am guessing importing vb albums failed because of this also. Is there a way to set permissions so the correct permission will be given by default? Thanks again.