Originally Posted by ForceHSS
you have 3 files one goes to the
admincp folder glowhostspamomatic.php the next one goes into the
includes folder functions_ghsom.php and the last one goes into
incudes/xml cpnav_glowhostspamomatic.xml
then go to admincp/Plugins & Products/Manage Products scroll down and click Add/Import Product and upload the product-glowhostspamomatic.xml
Sorry, might have to spell it out for me even more.
Instructions given in note document:
2.2. Upload content of the upload folder into you forum root folder
2.3. Import product-glowhostspamomatic.xml into products (Located
AdminCP -> Plugin System -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product)
That's the only 'installation' instructions of which I did both. Then what next?