Originally Posted by N1GTO4
Why not moderate first posts this combined with selective IP bannishment should reduce the spam quite a bit. Also using a hack to detect multiple accounts will help with your IP ban list. We still have accounts being created for bots with IPs that are not banned but the bots themselves rotate through a group of IPs that are banned when attempting to post the spam. It can be time consuming and take some effort but in less then a month we have reduced spam to a level that is managable by the site staff and we have not had a reduction in new user registrations.
I use the excellent
Duplicate IP Report by BOP5 that runs a weekly report for me on user accounts that use the same IP.
I don't automatically ban duplicates, only if one of the users spammed, then I ban that IP and hence all the duplicates.
Sometimes there are families or roommates with separate accounts which use the same IP, so you have to be discriminate about how you use the information from the report imo.