Originally Posted by Hippy
Most likely its your edit. You should not have to refresh the page. Put it back to default and make sure it works as it should, so you can track the issue down.
Thank you Hippy. Would it be the edit in the post_thanks_button template itself? I am a little lost but it looks like maybe the ID of the specific thank you button that needs to be removed is not being added properly?
I have tried putting the default post_thanks_button template back in and the issue still seems to persist. Is there any way I could have you take a look at the site or send you some templates? I would be willing to compensate you for your time.
Thank you for responding.
EDIT: In response to your reply -- I don't have to refresh the page to see the thank you register but when I do refresh the page, the thank you button shows up again on the same post even though it is showing that I already thanked that post.