Originally Posted by nhawk
vB 5 is online software so I'm sure enforcing licenses is already a chore for the IB crew.
I don't see how my idea appreciably changes that. People buying vB5 new are really getting a useful vB4 license and some vB5 test software. If they ran both on lives sites they also would be violating the license agreement.
Originally Posted by nhawk
What would prevent someone with one of these 'test-only' licenses you're talking about from putting it on a live site?
The fact that it's incomplete and that it's admitted to be not ready for a live site. That person is already running his/her site on a valid vB4 Suite license.
Originally Posted by nhawk
And what would prevent them from using that 'test-only' license indefinitely?
See above. Also that someone is interested in using stable up-to-date software. Hopefully after testing the Beta out, the customer sees the potential of vB5 and is eager for a more complete live-ready version, for which he'd obviously have to pay to download. Anyhow, what's the purpose of an indefinite test site and that isn't live?
Originally Posted by nhawk
vB 5 is new software, so they are offering a discount to vB 4 customers if they purchase vB 5 now. Granted vB 5 is still in Beta, but it is still new software.
Are you saying that the $40 discount is only for a limited time?
Originally Posted by nhawk
Personally I think the discount offer is a reasonable one.
A point of disagreement. I think the discount is so small that it makes more sense as an existing customer to buy new and transfer your existing license. But are they not allowing that any more?
Originally Posted by nhawk
Your vB 4 license is still accessible and downloadable. So, you're not losing anything if you don't purchase vB 5.
Only the planning type things I mentioned in previous posts, but alas not purchasing at this time may be the only sensible option left. When I'm ready to move on from vB4 I'll have to consider all my options. I'm really shocked how little incentive there is to stick with vB for existing customers.
Originally Posted by nhawk
If you DO purchase vB 5, you're also gaining another vB 4 full suite license (yes, that's a full suite license, not a forum license) at a huge discount from what vB 4 cost in the past. To me it's a win-win deal.
What do you think that license is worth if it didn't include vB4 suite? Again, I think it's a great price for vB4. But I have no interest in running a second live site. Do you know if they're still allowing license transfers?