Originally Posted by Dave234
Do you know if there is a way to make "Days for Announcement to Remain Active" to be indefinite? I don't want these posts to disappear from my forum!
"Days for Announcement to Remain Active" only applies if you choose to post the feed as announcements. The last two sections on the "Add New Feed" page are for adding the items as threads or adding them as announcements, and only one can be selected at a time (there are radio buttons in the header next to the section titles). So if you're posting items as threads, you don't have to worry about that setting, the threads will never disapper.
Do you know if I can copy any of the RSS Feeds that I created in my Feed Manager? It would make it so much easier if I could just copy them so that I can use the same info on the copies but with another RSS feed URL...
There is no feature to do that, but you might be able to do it directly from the database by writing directly to the rssfeed table.