Originally Posted by Bruce1984
Gotcha. Is the appending of the posts (extra reviews) using the permissions of the forums?
No. It's hard coded into the mod with overwrite rules to insure reviews still show up even if you disable responding.
Originally Posted by Bruce1984
When a user submits a 'product', albeit a movie, a headset or a TV series:
- Thread is created in a Staff Only forum (done)
- Administrator either approves or denies it.
The mod will allow the thread to be approved/ rejected/ moved as you described. As far as the closed status, you can set permissions in the forum to not allow replies but that will apply to all threads and you'd still need to create your comment thread as well. You'd likely want to create an extension for either/ both for to save yourself the manual work. Or tweak your requirements to allow both reviews & comments together.
To be clear a hook won't do this for you but rather would let you mod the mod to develop further without having to make a change each time the core code is updated.