Originally Posted by Ted S
Essentially all reviews are always appended as a post and optionally as a thread too. Whether or not you allow comments is up to you. If you don't want the review post you can hack it out but it is cross linked in a few places.
Gotcha. Is the appending of the posts (extra reviews) using the permissions of the forums? Otherwise perhaps I could restrict users from posting comments in the initial/original product thread, only allowing the extra reviews to be added as posts to the original thread -and- separate threads, in which users could reply.
Originally Posted by Ted S
Correct. I can offer a hook location up after the product thread is made to let you come back in and add another thread for your specific forum.
Alright, and I guess that would be awesome. If that would bring some automation to the process.
So to get things clear (and in case I might have explained things not clear enough), here's what I'm eventually looking for:
Various categories for 'products':
- Movies with reviews
- Music with reviews
- TV Series with reviews
- Hardware (actual products) with reviews
- Software (programs) with reviews
When a user submits a 'product', albeit a movie, a headset or a TV series:
- Thread is created in a Staff Only forum (done)
- Administrator either approves or denies it.
Upon denial:
- Either nothing happens, thread stays in staff forum or thread is moved to a 'Trash' forum
Upon approval:
- Product is added to the proper category (happens/done)
- Thread is created in proper sub-forum (happens/done)
- Thread is closed for regular postings/comments, only open to additional review posts
When a review is added:
- Post replied to original product thread (happens by default)
- New thread created in proper sub-forum for the additional review, open for commenting
So if it wasn't quite clear what I was hoping for, I hope it is now

. Anything you could help me with to achieve something like the above, would be great. I do hope it's not too much to ask though.