JAnders is was for you .. you need to add that plugin I made..
the gxbl_headinclude is not rendering , other than the xboxlive page..
so the forum home is not working nor the post bit..
make sure
because on of the xml files I posted was with out the gamecard link on the postbit..
check your
make sure this is in you gxbl_postbit template
if not replace it with this
<vb:if condition="$show['gxblrank']"><div><a href="gxboxlive.php?gt={vb:raw post.url_gxblgamertag}" onmouseover="gXBL_show('gamercard','{vb:raw post.url_gxblgamertag}');" onmouseout="return gXBL_hide();">{vb:rawphrase gxboxlive_title}</a>: <vb:if condition="in_array($post['gxblrank'], array('1','2','3'))"><img class="inlineimg" border="0" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/gxboxlive/silk/award_star_<vb:if condition="$post['gxblrank'] == '1'">gold<vb:else /><vb:if condition="$post['gxblrank'] == '2'">silver<vb:else />bronze</vb:if></vb:if>_2.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase gxbl_rank}: {vb:raw post.gxblrank}" /></vb:if> {vb:raw post.gxblrank}<sup>{vb:raw post.gxblranksuff}</sup></div></vb:if>