Loads much faster than the other. I like it and hope you keep it as an option to use.
Flashy graphics are nice and make a site look pretty, but, they take away from the functionality and slow a site down. If a page takes longer than a second to popup on my screen it annoys me. I don't pay top dollar for a t1 to sit and wait for huge graphics to load.
With this theme the page loads instantly, with the old theme it would take 3 to 4 seconds. If it takes 3 to 4 seconds on my t1 how long does it take to load for a person with a modem@28.8. Site designers should take into account that most people will be using analog modem connections to visit a site, if a person has to wait for images to load chances are they will go elsewhere for the information. Did you ever notice that Google, Yahoo and all the popular information sites load very fast have little or no graphics? There is a reason for that. People want information and they want it fast.