Originally Posted by betts02
I love most of your mods but i think many times we are being ripped off in to buying the Pro version for such things that would be great in the lite version
Would you consider adding the ability to grab the first image from a thread to show in the slider instead of the attachment to the lite version ?
Many thanks for the mod regardless
=/ Kind of a confusing statement there to be honest. Either you think the pro versions are ripoffs, in which case we should be removing features from the lite version and making them pro only, or you think the lite versions should get more pro features, in which case there would be no incentive for people to purchase the pro versions.
The entire idea is to have features people will like/want in the pro version to encourage them to make the purchase

We don't tend to move features from pro to lite, so it's extremely unlikely this will happen unfortunately.
Sorry I didn't have better news!