Originally Posted by killerbeez
Can we get a list of the reserves in tournaments? Maybe in a different tab at the bottom. The tournament hasn't started and it's accepting reserves but I can't see who is signed up beyond the 8 teams.
This. Also i don't want tournament to start automaticly installed. If i tick "hide bracktets..." it doesn't work. Brackets are still created.
Reserves: How do I know which teams are joined under reserves? Again if they join they are automaticly added to bracket,make no sense at all. If they are resrves they should be out of brackets i guess. In case somone drops out of a tournament then they should join tournament bracket.
How does checkin in works? Because i'm unable to check in my test tournament. If i set check in, why i don't have these information posted somewhere under tournament information. Also how des check in work? I don't see any button for checking in.
This mod has a lot of fetures and a lot of potentional but also it has many bugs or lack of common features. Don't get me wrong. I'm not bashing your work, just want to give solid feedback.