Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech
The "Opcache Operator" is what method of caching you want to use. If it's left on "None", then the mod will not do anything.
If you're not sure, you should pick Filecache (assuming you followed the Readme.txt installation instructions and CHMOD /dbtech/vboptimise/filecache to 0777).
You should turn on the Cache Datastore yeah, that caches things like forums, and vBulletin Options
Sir, first of all there is no
Readme.txt! Can you please put a simple tutorial about each options, because I am new on here and I dont know about any previouse versions!
I did install it, and after running a few test on online webpage testers, not on one but many, my pages were loading slowe than befor! and I did use the FILECACHING options, and did CHMOD the vboptimise filecache folder to 0777.. Still slower.. What could be wrong maybe,,, the onkly thing I had a red cross over in the settings, were my AVATAR URL.. thats it